Now at Dow Gallery

I’m excited to announce that I have moved my work to a much larger gallery. Dow Art Gallery and Framing Services at 2242 University Avenue (2 blocks east of Raymond) is more than twice the size of my previous gallery with a thriving community of more than 40 artists. It is the largest private gallery in Saint Paul and in 2019 it was named best gallery in the Twin Cities. The gallery has a high quality frame shop so you can buy a work and have it framed at the same place.

2021 Show at AZ Gallery

I will be having a solo show at The AZ Gallery (308 Prince Street, Saint Paul MN). The show runs July 2 - August 1 of 2021. The show is a celebration of being able to be back out in the world again so I entitled it Back To The World and Beyond. It will feature landscapes, cityscapes, astrophotography (that is the “and Beyond”) and macro photography. I will be having a celebration at the gallery July 9 from 5-8 pm. I will also be at the gallery July 11, 18, and August 1 from 1-3 pm. I hope to see you there!

Solo show at The AZ Gallery

For the entire month of August, I am having a solo show at The AZ Gallery. The title of the show is “Beauty Large and Small.” I have been doing astrophotography and macro photography - taking picture of things that are unimaginably large and things that are so tiny you might not notice them. I’m excited about the new works and can’t wiait for you to see them. The gallery is open Sautrdays and Sundays 10 am - 2 pm. There will be an opening night celebration Friday August 7 from 6-9 pm. I will also be at the gallery the last 3 Sundays in August (16, 23, & 30) hosting meet and greet events from 10-2..

To comply with health guidelines, everyone is required to wear a mask. Social distancing is required and no more than 25 people are allowed in the gallery at one time. We have masks and hand sanitizer available.

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Virtual Art Crawl and Astro Images

The Saint Paul Art Crawl will be virtual this year because of the coronavirus outbreak. My work is available through the AZ Gallery web site at . My greeting cards are available for $4 each or 4 for $12. I can print any of my images on the cards.

I have also been doing astrophotography. I am starting to add some of these images to my web site. Just click on the Astro Images tab to see them.

Orion Nebula.jpg

My first solo show!

I’m thrilled and excited to announce that I will be having my first solo show. It will be at The AZ Gallery (308 Prince Street) in Saint Paul’s Lowertown area. The show will run from May 2, 2019 to June 2, 2019. There will be an opening night celebration Friday May 3 from 6-9 pm. There will be live music, treats, and even cotton candy at the opening. I hope to see you there!


Spring 2019 Saint Paul Art Crawl

Well, it is April 2019 and my work will be on display at The AZ Gallery (308 Prince Street, Saint Paul). In addition, I’m pleased to announce that Ian Plant (one of my favorite photographers) will have the wall next to mine.

The show will be up for the entire month. The opening night celebration will be Friday April 5 from 6-9 pm. The Art Crawl will be April 26-28.

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Spring 2018 Art Crawl and news about online print availability

I had a great time showing my work at The AZ Gallery for the spring 2018 Saint Paul Art Crawl.  I met a lot of great people and was able to share my work with them.  People were enthusiastic about my work.  Many people collected works to have in their homes and bought photo greeting cards to share with friends.  I am thrilled at the positive reactions to my work.  Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by and took the time to enjoy my work.

I have some great news to share.  Many people asked me if they could purchase work from my web site.  I had to admit that I was still trying to figure out how to do that. I talked to one of the other artists at AZ (thanks so much Polly Norman) and she pointed me towards a business that will help me manage online sales.  So the great news is that my work will soon be available to purchase from my web site!  

Spring 2018 Art Crawl

I'm excited to announce that once again I will be at The AZ Gallery (308 Prince Street) for the Saint Paul Art Crawl.  There will be a wall dedicated to my work for the entire month of April.  The Art Crawl is April 27-29: Friday 6-10 PM, Saturday 12-8 PM, and Sunday 12-5 PM.  I plan to be at the gallery during the entire Art Crawl.  Stop by and say hi.

Fall 2017 Saint Paul Art Crawl

I'm excited to announce that I will be back at The AZ Gallery (308 Prince Street) for the Saint Paul Art Crawl.  There will be a wall dedicated to my work for the entire month of October.  The Art Crawl is October 13-15: Friday 6-10 PM, Saturday 12-8 PM, and Sunday 12-5 PM.  I plan to be at the gallery during the entire Art Crawl.  Stop by and say hi.

Back to The AZ Gallery

The AZ Gallery is having an invitational show with 14 local photographers for the month of June.  I was honored to be asked to participate. The theme of the show is "Travels Near and Far."  There is an opening reception Friday June 2 from 5:00 - 9:00.  I plan to be there the entire time.  Stop by and say "hi."

After the Art Crawl - photographing more exciting places

Thanks to everyone who came to see my work at the spring Art Crawl!  I had a great time meeting you and hearing your thoughts about my work.

Now that the Art Crawl is over, I am off to photograph more of the beautiful American Southwest.  Beginning today (May 5) I will spend a couple days photographing Canyon de Chelly.  Then I am off to a place I have wanted to visit for a long time: Monument Valley.  I'm thrilled that I will finally able to photograph it.

Between this trip and my recent trip to Machu Picchu and other Inca sites in Peru, I hope to have some beautiful images to share.

Spring Art Crawl

I'm excited to announce that my work will be on display at AZ Gallery (308 Prince Street, Saint Paul) again during the spring Saint Paul Art Crawl.  The Art Crawl will be April 28-30 2017.  I will be introducing a new work at the Art Crawl: Sunrise in the Valley of Fire.  It was taken in Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada.


Paris in Spring

The images in he France section of my site were taken as part of Serge Ramelli's 2016 Paris in Spring workshop.  It was a great opportunity to improve my skills, visit stunning sites, take home some great shots, and, oh yes, spend a week in Paris.  I see that Serge is repeating the class May 8-14 2017.  This year he is also conducting a Week in Italy class March 6-12 2017.  I wish I could attend.  Here is a link to the workshops .

Check out Serge Ramelli's Youtube channel! He has over 400 tutorials on photography, he is the number channel on Lightroom worldwide. If you want great tricks and tips photography check him, out!



On display at Sattva Wellness Center

I'm thrilled to announce that my photographic work will be on display at a new wellness and arts center called 3200 Bryant Avenue South in Minneapolis. There will be framed and unframed prints as well as greeting cards available.with some opening weekend bargains. They are opening this Thursday. There will be an open house:
Thursday December 8th 4-8pm
Friday December 9th 4-9pm
Saturday December 10th 1-4pm.

One of their walls will have a permanent mural of one of my pieces.

I plan to be there much of the time during the open house. I hope to see you there.

Saint Paul Art Crawl

Tonight was the first night of the Saint Paul Art Crawl and I got to meet a lot of great people as they came through the gallery and to hear their thoughts about my work.  The Art Crawl was tonight October 14 6-10 PM and continues Saturday October 15 12-8 PM and Sunday October 16 12-5 PM.  If you are out and about, stop by The AZ Gallery (308 Prince Street) and say hi.  This is the last weekend that my work will be on display at AZ.

On display at The AZ Gallery

My work is on display at The AZ Gallery (308 Prince Street) through October 16.  The gallery is open Thursdays and Fridays 5:00 - 8:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. The gallery (and my work) will be part of The Saint Paul Art Crawl.  The Art Crawl is Friday October 14 6:00 - 10:00 pm, Saturday October 15 12:00 - 8:00 pm, and Sunday October 16 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm.  I am on page 39 of the Art Crawl catalog (which is can be downloaded from the Art Crawl web site).  I plan to be at The AZ Gallery during the entire Art Crawl.  I hope to see you there!

Saint Paul Art Crawl

I will have my work on display for the Saint Paul Art Crawl.  It will be on display at AZ Gallery at 308 E Prince Street for a month beginning Thursday September 22.  The Art Crawl will be held October 14-16: Friday 6-10 PM, Saturday 12-8 PM, and Sunday 12-5 PM.  I plan to be around most of the time during the art crawl.  Stop by and say "hi."  I will have a variety of works for sale: framed pictures on metallic paper and Fujiflex Crystal Archive photo paper, canvas gallery wraps, unframed matted pictures on metallic paper, and cards.  I hope to see you there.

I have also added 2 new pictures to the my Minnesota page.

More photos

I have added a selection of photos from a photo safari we went on in Kruger National Park, South Africa.  It was an overwhelming experience to get so close to such incredible animals.  

I have added some photos of fireworks.  A couple of the pictures I took after a Saints game at CHS field.  The others I shot while watching the fireworks over our lake.  As I watched the fireworks, I became fascinated by their reflections in the water and began featuring the reflections more and more prominently in the pictures.

Lastly, I added a somewhat different picture to the photos from Paris.  It is a detail of one of the windows from Notre Dame de Paris cathedral.

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. 4 years ago, I retired from 40 years working for the State of Minnesota.  I have seized retirement as the opportunity to re-invent myself and do the things I have always wanted to do. I created this blog so I can let you know as new things are added and keep you informed of what is going on with my work.